
Prolećno predavanje i radionica „Kućni vrt“ u aprilu i maju

27. april










Previous years have raised numerous questions about how stressful the urban environment is and what we can do to make it healthier and make life in it be of better quality. Cities are becoming more populated, and the risks of many negative impacts of this kind of environment are increasing. A large number of people are leaving urban areas, but not everyone is able to afford to move to a healthier environment. What, then, can we do to make urban life at least a little closer to the laws of nature and sustainability? Is it possible to live healthier in an urban environment and produce food? How different is this production from conventional production and how creative can we be on the way to establishing green communities? All these questions have an answer in the "green philosophy" that teaches us to listen to nature, because it can provide much more than we can imagine.

With the desire to apply this philosophy and make our environment healthier, we start the gardening season with a lecture and workshop "Home Garden". At the introductory online lecture on Wednesday, April 27, the basic steps in starting a small home garden will be presented by Ana Svilar, an environmental engineer. The live workshop on May 7 will provide participants with additional practical knowledge for setting up a small home garden with edible species. The condition for attending the live workshop is registration via the form and attendance at the online lecture.

Ana Svilar, aktivista i zagovarač zelene sredine završila je osnovne i master studije  na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Beogradu gde je stekla titulu Inženjera zaštite životne sredine. Svoje stručno usavršavanje nastavila je na istom fakultetu, na postdiplomskim studijama iz oblasti strateškog planiranja Akvakulture. Od 2008. godine radila je u kompanijama, uglavnom na poziciji menadžera za razvoj, a 2014. postaje profesorka srednje poljprivredne škole u Valjevu. Od 2016. godine pruža stručnu podršku i pomoć u procesima pripremanja dokumentacije za razvojne projekte u oblastima agrikulture i zaštite životne sredine.

Through its activities, Ekonaut continues to advocate the formation of a system of urban garden communities, which is recognized in many cities as one of the tools for development and sustainable management of urban spaces, but also as a means to provide food sources at the local level and achieve microclimatic, social and economic benefits. Urban garden communities are open areas where individuals or groups grow plants of their choice. They exist in most European cities and have numerous socially useful purposes, such as physical and social rehabilitation, opportunities for work and employment of economically endangered sections of the population, animation of elderly citizens and enabling all generations to pursue healthy hobbies in horticulture, gardening and vegetables. Such places have both historical and cultural value and often become popular picnic areas with additional facilities and an accessible source of healthy food.

You can see what the previous workshops and lectures organized by Ekonaut within the project "Initiative for Urban Garden Communities" on the topic of establishing ornamental and edible small gardens looked like on our YouTube channel below:

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Trajanje: 120 minuta

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Trajanje: 60 minuta

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Trajanje 45 minuta

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Trajanje: 30 minuta

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Trajanje 20 minuta