In collaboration with LearnUpon Ekonaut conducted two volunteering activities at the "Radivoj Popović" Elementary School in Zemun during the gardening season. This excellent institution has given children with hearing impairment, developmental dysphasia, autism, dysharmonic development, speech, and language issues hope and education for over 70 years. Volunteering was held in spring and autumn and brought together company employees who wanted to help schoolchildren.
On June 19, the last day of school, Spring Volunteer Day began with excitement and anticipation at a specified site. The volunteers, students, and staff planted perennials, seasonal flowers, and culinary plants like tomatoes and peppers in raised beds during the pleasantly warm weather. This change improved the place for children, adults, school staff, and students' parents to use daily and upgraded the sensory garden where students can study and rest. A sensory garden allows children to explore the space with all their senses and develop them in a natural environment instead of the contained spaces where modern generations spend most of their time, which is bad for their growth and healing. The children in this garden can explore, learn, and play in a safe environment while the plants change with the seasons, using sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Children with developmental issues and autism need a place to relax, which they can do here. Econaut has collaborated with the school "Radivoj Popović" since 2016, helping to establish and build a garden during the school yard restoration.

The Sensory Garden je mesto gde deca mogu da istražuju prostor svim čulima i da ih razvijaju u prirodnom okruženju umesto u zatvorenom prostoru u kome savremene generacije provode većinu svog vremena što nije dobro za njihov razvoj ili oporavak. Uz pomog vida, sluha, dodira, ukusa i mirisa mali korisnici ovog vrta mogu da istražuju, uče i igraju se u sigurnom okruženju dok biljake u ovom vrtu prolaze kroz različite transformacije tokom godišnjih doba. Ovde takođe mogu da pronađu prostor za opuštanje i relaksaciju koja je deci sa problemima u razvoju i autizmom izuzetno značajna. Ekonaut od 2016.g. aktivno sarađuje sa školom „Radivoj Popović“, te godine smo učestvovali u zasnivanju i izgradnji ovog vrta tokom renoviranja školskog dvorišta koje danas koriste i druge lokalne škole i vrtići za aktivnosti u otovorenom prostoru.

From the end of September, volunteers from "Radivoj Popović" primary school participated in an autumn volunteer day to enhance the schoolyard design and operation. We spent more time painting gates, wooden walkways and yard podiums with brushes and dedication. Everyone felt proud and fulfilled after the volunteers' hard work and attention to detail. This time, we planted seasonal flowers and food plants to colour the yard.
Econaut and LearnUpon desire to establish further regular, seasonal volunteer initiatives at the school because the start of cooperation on volunteering day is so valuable. All participating workers and Econaut can volunteer their time, expertise, and resources at such activities. Econaut and LearnUpon hope to promote a feeling of community at the school and its students and staff by forming a long-term partnership.

Ovim putem upućujemo otvoreni poziv i drugim društveno odgovornim kompanijama iz različitih sektora da nam se uskoro pridruže u ovakvim poduhvatima. Udruživanjem resursa možemo zajedno napraviti učiniti još veću razliku u životima dece u školama kao što je “Radivoj Popović”. Verujemo da ujedinjavanjem snaga možemo da stvorimo mrežu podrške koja će biti od koristi ne samo ovoj školi već i celim zajednica. Želimo da inspirišemo slične inicijative koje za cilj imaju transformaciju školskih dvorišta iz betonskih prostora u živopisne bašte i učionice na otvorenom. Ovakvi prostori učenicima mogu pružiti mogućnosti da budu aktivniji u nastavi i imaju praktična iskustva učenja, povežu se sa prirodom i razviju dublje razumevanje okoline koje ne mogu da dobiju kroz teoretsku nastavu.